« Installation | INDEX | Configuration » |
1. Through the web administration interface.
To change the login name and password for the web interface, run following command from shell:
[your install dir]/admin/misc/admpass.sh
2. Control the server process from command line.
start the web server:
/opt/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start
stop web server:
/opt/lsws/bin/lswsctrl stop
restart web server:
/opt/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart
reload configuration:
/opt/lsws/bin/lswsctrl reload
3. Control the server process by sending signals.
By pid File:
more /tmp/lshttpd/lshttpd.pid
By "ps" command:
FreeBSD: ps -x | grep lshttpd
Others: ps -ef | grep lshttpd
If multiple processes are listed, use the process with PPID equal to 1.
To stop the web server:
kill XXXX
(XXXX is the pid)
If the server did not stop, use:
kill -9 XXXX
To reload the configuration, use: kill -HUP XXXX
« Installation | INDEX | Configuration » |