Server General |
General settings for the whole server. When a path information is required,
it can be either absolute or relative to $SERVER_ROOT. $SERVER_ROOT is the
location where LiteSpeed server was installed. For examples, it can be
your_home_dir/lsws, /opt/lsws, or etc. The server executable is under $SERVER_ROOT/bin.
Table of Contents |
Server Name |  |
Description: A unique name for this server.
Running As |  |
Description: Specifies the user/group that the server process runs as.
This value was set during the installation and to change it,
you have to perform an upgrade procedure via downloaded software package.
Apply: Reinstall required. | Tips: [Security] Server should not run as a priviledged user such as "root". For security, it
it is critical that the server is configured to runs with a un-privileged user/group combination that do not have login/shell access.
User/Group of nobody is generally a good choice. |
Priority |  |
Description: Specifies priority of the server process. Value ranges from
-20 to 20. A lower number means higher priority.
Syntax: Integer number |
Tips: [Performance] Usually, higher priority leads to slightly higher
web performance on a busy server. Do not set priority higher than that of database process. |
See Also: External App Priority, CGI Priority |
Chroot Path |  |
Description: [Enterprise Edition Only] Specifies the directory where the chroot environment rooted.
Only "root" user can run the web server in chroot mode. Whether to run in chroot mode is controlled by
Enable chroot option. The installer program will set up initial chroot environment automatically.
This entry is read-only, and if you want to change it, please run the installer again.
In chroot environment, the web server and its children processes cannot access file system outside of
the chroot jail. Chroot is an advanced security feature and additional administration may be required to
make it work properly. All required executables, libraries, configuration files and devices files should be
recreated within the chroot jail.
As the root directory is changed, you need to pay special attention to the path configuration
when an absolute path is used. A Unix domain socket or swapping directory is always relative
to the new root directory. All other path configurations are always relative to the real root.
Apply: Reinstall required. | Tips: [security] Use chroot for better security. |
Enable chroot |  |
Description: [Enterprise Edition Only] Specifies whether to start
the web server in chroot mode.
The new root directory is set by Chroot Path during installation.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Max I/O Buffer Size |  |
Description: Specifies the maximum buffer size that is used to store request
body and dynamically generated response. When this limit is reached,
server will start to create temporary swapping files under Swapping Directory.
Syntax: Integer number |
Tips: [Performance] Set it large enough to accommodate all concurrent
requests/replies to avoid memory to disk swapping. If there are frequent i/o activity to
the swap directoy, default to /tmp/lshttpd/swap/, this value is too low and LiteSpeed is swapping to disk. The fastest way
to find a good value for this field is to just set it equal to sum of incoming and outgoing
bandwidth handled by LiteSpeed server: 5MB/s out + 1MB/s = 6MB. |
Swapping Directory |  |
Description: Specifies the directory where the swapping files should be placed.
When server started in chroot mode, it is relative to the new root directory,
otherwise it is relative to the real root. LiteSpeed web server uses virtual memory
to reduce the memory usage. Virtual memory, disk swapping, is used to store big request bodies and
dynamically generated responses. The swapping directory should be placed on a disk with enough space.
Syntax: Absolute path. |
Tips: [Performance] Place the swapping directory on a separate disk or increase Max I/O Buffer Size to eliminate swapping. |
Auto Restart |  |
Description: Enables service auto-recovery: automatically recreating a new server process when current server exits abnormally.
When this option is enabled, there are two instances of server process "lshttpd". The parent process
monitors the child process and will create a new child process if the current one exits abnormally.
However, if current child process exits normally, the parent process will exit as well. You can use
the shell command lswsctrl stop or directly kill the child process; the parent process will
exit assuming that you do want to shut down the server. If the server is started by a super user,
the child process will change its ownership based on Running As configuration, and the parent
process will not change its user/group.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Tips: [Security] Parent process's only job is to monitor the child, does not interact with the outside world, and therefore safe to execute as a super user.
[Reliability] This feature should always be enabled for an extra layer protection against service down time. |
Auto Fix 503 Error |  |
Description: Specifies whether to try to fix the "503 Service Unavailable" error by
restarting the web server gracefully. A "503" error is usually caused by
malfunctioned external applications and a web server restart can often fix
the error temporarily. If enabled, the server will restart
automatically whenever there are more than 30 "503" errors within a 30
seconds span. Feature is enabled by default.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Load Apache Configuration |  |
Description: Specifies whether LiteSpeed will read and use a Apache configuration file to configure
the web server. Native configuration will have higher priority when
there is conflict between LiteSpeed internal and Apache based configuration. When conflict arrise,
conflicted Apache configuration item(s) will be ignored.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Auto Reload On Changes |  |
Description: Specifies how to apply Apache configuration changes. When set to "yes",
LSWS will perform a graceful restart, whenever the Apache configuration file
has been modified. It works, but LSWS may restart multiple times during
updating Apache configuration. A better solution is introduced in 3.3.8
release, "User Apache binary wrapper". This will replace Apache httpd binary
with a wrapper script, whenever Apache is requested to start/stop/restart, the
script will tell LSWS to take corresponding
action. Apache Binary Path must be set. Default is "No".
Syntax: Select from radio box |
See Also: Apache Binary Path |
Apache Binary Path |  |
Description: Specifies the location of Apache binary. Usually, it is located at
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd or /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd, etc. This option
must be set when "Use Apache binary wrapper" is used for Auto Reload On Changes.
See Also: Auto Reload On Changes |
Apache Configuration File |  |
Description: Specifies the location of Apache configuration
file. Usually, it is located at
/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
Apache Port Offset |  |
Description: Specifies an offset to be added to listening TCP ports specified
in Apache configuration file. This will allow LiteSpeed to run alongside with
Apache to test things out instead of switching between LiteSpeed and Apache
back and forth on a production server.
When you are testing, it should be set to a non-zero value, the ports configured
in Apache configuration plus this offset will be used by LiteSpeed;
After confirming that everything works properly, you can stop
Apache, set this option to 0, and then restart LiteSpeed. If 0 or the value is not set, the
original port specified in Apache configuration file will be used.
Apache IP Offset |  |
Description: Specifies an offset to be added to listening IP address specified
in Apache configuration file. This will allow LiteSpeed to run alongside with
Apache to test things out. The offset is in numberic format, not in IP address
format. Adding "256" will add '1' to the value of C class subnet, This option
only works with IPv4 address.
Apache Handled Content |  |
Description: Specifies what resources will be passed to and processed by backend
Apache. Resources are specified by a comma delimited list of URI, file suffixes or regular
expression. A URI starts with '/'; a suffix starts with '.', a regular expression starts with "exp:"
prefix. For example: "/svn/, .shtml" let Apache handle requests with URI
starting with "/svn/" or ending with ".shtml". The same effect can be achieved
with regular expression "exp:^/svn/, exp:\.shtml$".
This feature requires running Apache parallel to LiteSpeed on either another
IP or a different
port, so either "Apache Port Offset" or "Apache IP Offset" should be set to
none zero value.
PHP suEXEC |  |
Description: Specifies whether to run PHP script in suEXEC mode when 'user'
and 'group' are specified for a virtual host. When set to yes, PHP
script will be executed under the user specified, as well as the group
unless Force GID is set.
When set to "User's Home Directory Only", scripts outside a user's
home directory will run as the global user/group that the web server
run as. When used together with DirectAdmin, this value is recommended.
Default is no.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
PHP suEXEC Max Conn |  |
Description: Specifies the maximum concurrent PHP requestes can be processed
when run PHP script in suEXEC mode. This is the maximum number of PHP
processes each user can get. Default value is 5.
Syntax: Integer number |
Enable FrontPage Extension |  |
Description: Specifies whether to explicitly enable Microsoft Front Page Server
Extension or not. Usually, LSWS will enable it when module "frontpage" has
been loaded in Apache httpd.conf. however, when mod_frontpage is statically
linked into Apache binary, configuration for frontpage module is not in
httpd.conf, you need to enabled it explicitly here. Default is disabled.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
MIME File |  |
Description: Specifies the file that contains the MIME settings for this server.
It is always relative to the real root when an absolute path is given in chroot mode.
Syntax: File name which can be an absolute path or relative to $SERVER_ROOT. |
Tips: Click the file name to edit the MIME settings |
Edit MIME File |  |
Description: You can edit (add/modify/delete) the MIME entries. Same MIME type can have multiple suffixes.
Disable Initial Log Rotation |  |
Description: Specifies whether to disabled rotatation of server error log
file at startup. Default is not to disable it.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Server Signature |  |
Description: Specifies whether to expose the server signature number in
the response header Server. There are three options, when set
to Hide Version, only LiteSpeed is shown, when set to
Show Version, the detail version number is shown,
[Enterprise Edition Only] when set to
Hide Full Header, the whole Server header will not be
set in the response header.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Tips: [Security] Set to No if do not wish to expose the product version number. |
Enable IP Geolocation |  |
Description: [Enterprise Edition Only] Specifies whether to enable IP
to Geolocation lookup. It can be set at server,
virtual host or context level.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
See Also: Use Client IP in Header, DB File Path, DB Cache Type |
Use Client IP in Header |  |
Description: Specifies whether to use IP address listed in 'X-Forwarded-For' HTTP
request header added by upstream proxy server instead of the remote socket
address. This will affect all IP address related features, including
connection/bandwidth throttling, access control and IP geolocation. This
feature is useful if your web site is behind a proxy server.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Check For Update |  |
Description: Specifies how often the update agent will check for new product release. Options are "Daily", "Weekly", or "Monthly".
Syntax: Select from drop down list |
Download Updates |  |
Description: Specifies whether to auto-download the new product release package file
when available. If a new package has been successfully downloaded, an online one-click
upgrade can be performed via the web administration console under
"Service Manager"->Version Management.
Syntax: Select from drop down list |
Administrator Email |  |
Description: Specifies the server administrator's email address(es). It is a comma-separated list.
If specified, administrators will be notified by email of important events: i.e.
when the LiteSpeed service is restarted automatically due to crash detection.
Syntax: comma-separated list of email address. |
Tips: Email alert feature will only work if the server has an active MX server such as postfix, exim, or sendmail. |
File Name |  |
Description: Specifies the server log file.
Syntax: File name which can be an absolute path or relative to $SERVER_ROOT. |
Tips: [Performance] Place log file on a separate disk. |
Log Level |  |
Description: Specifies the level of logging. Available levels are ERROR,
high to low. Only messages with higher level than current setting will
be logged.
Syntax: Select from drop down list |
Tips: [Performance] Unless Debug Level is set to a level
other than NONE, using DEBUG log level does not have any
performance impact. DEBUG log level is recommended. |
See Also: Debug Level |
Debug Level |  |
Description: Specifies the level of debugging log.
If the log level is DEBUG, server will use this to control
debugging level. Debug logging is disabled when 'Debug Level' is set
even if Log Level is set to DEBUG.
Toggle Debug Logging can be used to control debug
level on a live server without restarting.
Syntax: Select from drop down list |
Tips: [Performance] Important! Always set it to NONE if you do
not need detailed debug logging. Active debug logging will severely degrade service performance
and potentially saturate disk space in a very short timeframe.
Debug logging includes detailed information for each request
and response. |
See Also: Log Level, Toggle Debug Logging |
Rolling Size |  |
Description: Specifies when the current log file needs to be rolled over, also known as log rotation.
When the file size is over the rollover limit, the active log file will be renamed
to log_name.mm_dd_yyyy(.sequence) in the same directory and a new active log file will be created.
The actual size of the rotated log file could be a little bigger. Set
to 0 to disable log rotation.
Syntax: Integer number |
Tips: Append "K", "M", "G" to the number for kilo-, mega- and giga- bytes |
Enable stderr Log |  |
Description: Specifies whether to write to log when receiving stderr output from any
process started by the server.
If enabled, stderr messages will be logged in the same directory as the server log with
the fixed name "stderr.log". If disabled, all stderr output will be discarded.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Tips: Turn it on if you need to debug configured external applications: i.e. php, ruby, java, python, perl. |
File Name |  |
Description: Specifies the file name of the access log file.
Syntax: File name which can be an absolute path or relative to $SERVER_ROOT. |
Tips: [Performance] Put access log file on a separate disk. |
Piped Logger |  |
Description: Specifies the external application that will receive the access log
data sent by LiteSpeed through a pipe on its STDIN stream (file
handle 0). When specified, access log will be sent only to the logger application but not the
access log file specified in previous entry.
Logger process is spawned in the same way as other external (CGI/FastCGI/LSAPI) processes,
which means it will execute as the uid according to the virtual host's
configuration of ExtApp Set UID Mode,
and will never run on behalf of a privileged user.
The logger application must
be defined in External Application section first. Server level access
logging can only use external logger application
defined at server level, while virtual host level access log can only use
logger application defined at virtual host level.
The LiteSpeed server
performs simple load balancing among multiple logger applications if
more than one instance of logger application is configured.
LiteSpeed server always attempts
to keep the number of logger application as low as possible. Only when one
logger application failed to process access log entries in time will the
server attempt to spawn another instance of logger application.
If a logger crashes, the web server will start another instance but the log data in the stream buffer will be lost.
It is possible to lose log data if external loggers cannot keep up with the speed and volume of the log stream.
Syntax: Select from drop down list |
Log Format |  |
Description: [Enterprise Edition Only] Specifies the log format for access
log. When log format is set, it will override Log Level
setting. The syntax of log format is compatible with
2.0's custom log format.
Syntax: string |
Log Headers |  |
Description: Specifies whether to log HTTP request headers: Referer,
UserAgent, and Host.
Syntax: Select from checkbox |
Tips: [Performance] Turn it off if you do not need these headers in the access log. |
Keep Days |  |
Description: Specifies how many days the access log file will be kept on disk.
Only rotated log file older than specified days will be deleted and the active current
log file will not be touched regardless how many days' data it contains.
If you do not want to auto-delete stale and very old log files,
set this value to 0.
Syntax: Integer number |
Compress Archive |  |
Description: Specifies whether to compress rotated log files in order to save disk space.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Tips: Log files are highly compressible and this is recommended to reduce disk usage for old logs. |
Index Files |  |
Description: Specifies names of index files that will be searched sequentially when a
URL is mapped to a directory.
You can customize it at server, virtual host and context level.
Syntax: comma-separated list of name of index files |
Tips: [Performance] Only set index files that you need. |
Auto Index |  |
Description: Specifies whether to generate directory index on the fly when
index files listed in Index Files are not available in a directory.
This option is customizable under virtual host and context level, and
is inherited along the directory tree until it is explicitly
overridden. You can customize the generated index page, please read
How to customize auto index script?
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Tips: [Security] It is recommended to turn off Auto Index wherever
possible to prevent revealing confidential data. |
See Also: Index Files, Auto Index URI |
Auto Index URI |  |
Description: Specifies the URI that will be used to generate the index page when
index files listed in Index Files are not available in a directory.
LiteSpeed server uses an external script to generate the index page
providing the maximum customization flexibility. The default script produces an index page with same look
as Apache's. To customize the generated index page, please read
How to customize auto index script?
The directory to be indexed is passed to the script via an
environment variable "LS_AI_PATH".
Syntax: URI |
See Also: Index Files, Auto Index |
HT Access |  |
Description: The following directives are supported in a directory level
access control file.
- Authentication
- AuthType
- AuthName
- AuthUserFile
- AuthGroupFile
- Require
- Access Control
- Allow from
- Deny from
- Order
- File Info
- AddDefaultCharset
- AddType
- DefaultType
- ExpiresActive
- ExpiresDefault
- ExpiresByType
- ForceType
- Redirect
- RedirectTemp
- RedirectPermanent
- RewriteEngine
- RewriteOptions
- RewriteBase
- RewriteCond
- RewriteRule
- Satisfy
- Other
- <Limit>
- <LimitExcept>
- DirectoryIndex
- Options
Allow Override |  |
Description: Specifies what directives in an access control file are allowed.
An access control file can be placed in a directory to control the accessibility
to files under that directory.
- When nothing is checked, inherited default settings will be
- When None is checked, access control file will be
- When Limit is checked, directives "Order",
"Allow from" and "Deny from" are allowed.
- When Auth is checked, directives
"AuthGroupFile", "AuthName", "AuthType",
"AuthUserFile", "Require" are allowed.
- When FileInfo is checked, directives
"Satisfy", AddDefaultCharset", "AddType",
"DefaultType", "ForceType", "ExpiresActive", "ExpiresDefault",
"ExpiresByType", "Redirect", "RedirectTemp", "RedirectPermanent",
"RewriteEngine", "RewriteOptions", "RewriteBase", "RewriteCond"
and "RewriteRule" are allowed
- When Indexes is checked, directive
"DirectoryIndex" is allowed
- When Options is checked, directive
"Options" is allowed
Allow Override configuration is available at three levels: server,
virtual host and context. If server level configuration is not checked,
the controlled directives will be disabled for the whole server no matter if
it is enabled or not at lower levels. If server level is enabled, virtual host will
inherit same settings by default, similarly context level will inherit virtual host settings.
In other words, lower level can disable a setting that is enabled by upper level, but cannot
enable a setting that is disabled by upper level.
Syntax: Select from checkbox |
Tips: [Performance] If there is no need for directory level
configuration customization, check None. |
Access File Name |  |
Description: Specifies the name of the access control file. The file will be used only if
Allow Override is enabled. Default name is .htaccess.
Syntax: file name with leading "." |
Enable Expires |  |
Description: Specifies whether to generate Expires header for static files. If enabled, Expires
header will be generated based on Expires Default and Expires By Type.
This can be set at server, virtual host and context level. Lower level settings will
override higher level ones, i.e. context settings will override the virtual host settings
and virtual host settings will override the server settings.
Syntax: Select from radio box |
Expires Default |  |
Description: Specifies default settings for Expires header generation. This setting is effective
when Enable Expires is set. It can be overridden by Expires By Type.
Do not set this default at server or virtual host level unless you have to,
since it will generate Expires header for all pages. Most of time this
is set at context level for certain directories that do not change
often. If there is no default setting, no Expires header will be
generated for types not specified in Expires By Type.
Syntax: A|Mseconds After base time(A|M) plus specified seconds, it will expire.
Base time "A" means the client's access time and "M" means the file's last modified time. |
Expires By Type |  |
Description: Specifies Expires settings for individual MIME types.
Syntax: Comma delimited list of "MIME-type=A|Mseconds".
After base time(A|M) plus specified seconds, it will expire.
Base time "A" means the client's access time and "M" means the file's last modified time.
MIME-type can accept wildcard "*", like image/*. |
IP to Geolocation DB |  |
Description: [Enterprise Edition Only] Multiple MaxMind geolocation databases can be specified here. MaxMind
has the following type of DB: Country, Region, City, Organization, ISP and
For database type of Country, Region and City, the later type of DB contains
more information than that of a DB with former type, only one of those type of
DB should be specified, if multiple DBs with those types are configured, the
last one will be effective. |
DB File Path |  |
Description: [Enterprise Edition Only] Specifies the path to MaxMind GeoIP database.
Syntax: file path |
DB Cache Type |  |
Description: [Enterprise Edition Only] Specifies what kind of cache mode should be used. Cache modes are:
Standard, MemoryCache, CheckCache and IndexCache. MemoryCache is recommended
and it is the default.
Syntax: Select from drop down list |
Apache Style Configurations |  |
Description: Specifies Apache configuration directives that are supported by
LiteSpeed. For example, default PHP configuration, php.ini entries, can be
overridden by the server with 4 directives: "php_value", "php_flag",
"php_admin_value" and "php_admin_flag".
Syntax: Same as Apache configuration file |
Copyright © 2003-2007. Lite Speed Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. |